Product Details
+The effect of using Essenzza Ear Candles is a feeling of complete relaxation and a state that essentially reverses any stress in the mind and body. Ear Candles can be used with profound results for blocked or itchy ears, 'glue' ear, swimmers ear, sinus problems and may help to relieve the symptoms associated with the ear cavities. Essenzza Ear Candles have an innovative design that has been acheived through extensive research in the use of natural earth products. Essenzza Ear Candles create no smoke or build up of ash, which allows an effective 'even' burn throughout your therapy. The beeswax used is 100% natural sourced and is extensively filtered resulting in a high grade clean finish, crucial to the overall experience. Regular use of Ear Candles as part of your wellbeing lifestyle is a great way to relieve tension naturally. When using Ear Candles, remember each ear needs to be done, so that means two tubes per person. As it is such a relaxing experience, try to use Essenzza Ear Candles when you do not plan to do too much after use of the Ear Candles. Follow the directions given carefully. It is recomended supervision be available when using ear candles such as a partner or friend who can assist in the therapy by holding the candle in place observing the whole burn process and extinguishing the candle at the 'stop' mark as eartubes do not self extinguish. PLEASE REFER TO SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AT ALL TIMES AND ALWAYS STORE EAR PLACE AWAY FROM CHILDREN. ,