Product Details
Ear candles
Ear candles gently warm the ear, have a pleasantly relaxing effect and release tension.
Stress, hectic, noise - everyday life can become too much for you. The ears cannot slam like the eyes. You always perceive - consciously or unconsciously. The fine auditory canals sometimes give us clear signals, the feeling that our ears are "closed".
EAR CANDLES More information
The medesign ear candles are still lovingly and carefully handcrafted according to an old recipe and from the best, regularly tested raw materials. Small differences in color and length are a quality feature of the manual production.
Please note the application instructions in the instructions for use.
medesign waxo ear candles should not be used in the case of skin diseases on the ear, inflammatory ear diseases, perforated eardrums or implanted tympanostomy tubes.